POST | /async/elma/protocols/batch/delete |
import java.math.*
import java.util.*
import net.servicestack.client.*
* Represents a request to search and delete protocols by using multiple search criteria in an asynchronous operation.
@Api(Description="Represents a request to search and delete protocols by using multiple search criteria in an asynchronous operation.")
open class BatchDeleteProtocolsAsync : BatchDeleteProtocolsBase()
* The parameters to search or filter the found protocols.
@ApiMember(Description="The parameters to search or filter the found protocols.", IsRequired=true)
var searchCriteria:ArrayList<SearchCriteria> = ArrayList<SearchCriteria>()
* The credential to gain access on the ELMA server.
@ApiMember(Description="The credential to gain access on the ELMA server.", IsRequired=true)
var credential:ElmaCredential? = null
* Should operations be staged on the ELMA server? true: operations are executed on the Test ELMA server. false: operations are executed on the Live (Production) ELMA server.
@ApiMember(Description="Should operations be staged on the ELMA server? true: operations are executed on the Test ELMA server. false: operations are executed on the Live (Production) ELMA server.")
var stagingEnabled:Boolean? = null
* Specifies a request to search and delete protocols by using multiple search criteria.
@Api(Description="Specifies a request to search and delete protocols by using multiple search criteria.")
open class BatchDeleteProtocolsBase : IPost, IAuthenticateRequest, IStageableRequest, IBatchSearchRequest
* The parameters to search or filter the found protocols.
@ApiMember(Description="The parameters to search or filter the found protocols.", IsRequired=true)
var searchCriteria:ArrayList<SearchCriteria> = ArrayList<SearchCriteria>()
* The credential to gain access on the ELMA server.
@ApiMember(Description="The credential to gain access on the ELMA server.", IsRequired=true)
var credential:ElmaCredential? = null
* Should operations be staged on the ELMA server? true: operations are executed on the Test ELMA server. false: operations are executed on the Live (Production) ELMA server.
@ApiMember(Description="Should operations be staged on the ELMA server? true: operations are executed on the Test ELMA server. false: operations are executed on the Live (Production) ELMA server.")
var stagingEnabled:Boolean? = null
* Represent parameters to search or filter on submissions.
@Api(Description="Represent parameters to search or filter on submissions. ")
open class SearchCriteria
* Full or partial name of the item (report or protocol) to search.
@ApiMember(Description="Full or partial name of the item (report or protocol) to search.")
var name:String? = null
* TThe ELMA product designation.
@ApiMember(Description="TThe ELMA product designation.")
var designation:Verfahren? = null
enum class Verfahren
* Represents the credentials of a user to authenticate the access of an ELMA server.
@Api(Description="Represents the credentials of a user to authenticate the access of an ELMA server.")
open class ElmaCredential : IElmaCredential
* The unique identifier of this instance. This identifer is only relevant in the context of data storage and retrieval.
@ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of this instance. This identifer is only relevant in the context of data storage and retrieval.", IsRequired=true, Name="Id")
var id:String? = null
* The security certificate to authenticate the user and grant access to the ELMA server. This certificate is generated from the BZSt-issued *.pfx BOP certificate. More details on BOP (BZSt-Online Portal -
@ApiMember(Description="The security certificate to authenticate the user and grant access to the ELMA server. This certificate is generated from the BZSt-issued *.pfx BOP certificate. More details on BOP (BZSt-Online Portal -", IsRequired=true, Name="Certificate")
var certificate:PemCertificate? = null
* The BZSt (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) - tax number of the user. 11-character text field that may only consist of two capital letters and 9 digits (0-9). The fiscal authority BZSt provides this number during registration at the BOP (BZSt-Online Portal - The number is available in the private area of the BOP user account under "My BOP" under the "Registration Information"
@ApiMember(Description="The BZSt (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) - tax number of the user. 11-character text field that may only consist of two capital letters and 9 digits (0-9). The fiscal authority BZSt provides this number during registration at the BOP (BZSt-Online Portal - The number is available in the private area of the BOP user account under \"My BOP\" under the \"Registration Information\"", IsRequired=true, Name="AuthSteuernummer")
var authSteuernummer:String? = null
* The account identifier of a BZSt-Online Portal (BOP) user. 10-character text field that may only contain numbers (0-9).
@ApiMember(Description="The account identifier of a BZSt-Online Portal (BOP) user. 10-character text field that may only contain numbers (0-9).", IsRequired=true, Name="AccountId")
var accountId:String? = null
* The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.
@ApiMember(Description="The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.", IsRequired=true, Name="Password")
var password:String? = null
* Represents a PEM-encoded certificate.
@Api(Description="Represents a PEM-encoded certificate.")
open class PemCertificate
* The unique identifier (e.g. the file name) of the certificate.
@ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier (e.g. the file name) of the certificate.", IsRequired=true, Name="Id")
var id:String? = null
* The PEM-encoded content of the certificate.
@ApiMember(Description="The PEM-encoded content of the certificate.", IsRequired=true, Name="Content")
var content:String? = null
* The description of the certificate.
@ApiMember(Description="The description of the certificate.", Name="Description")
var description:String? = null
* Tags to label or identify the certificate.
@ApiMember(Description="Tags to label or identify the certificate.", Name="Tags")
var tags:ArrayList<String> = ArrayList<String>()
* Encapsulates the results of a protocol deletion operation.
@Api(Description="Encapsulates the results of a protocol deletion operation.")
open class DeletionResponse
* The processing logs that form part of an ELMA response to a submitted report
@ApiMember(Description="The processing logs that form part of an ELMA response to a submitted report", Name="Protocols")
var protocols:ArrayList<Elma> = ArrayList<Elma>()
* Other artefacts including the auxillary files from the BZSt.
@ApiMember(Description="Other artefacts including the auxillary files from the BZSt.", Name="Files")
var files:ArrayList<BinaryFile> = ArrayList<BinaryFile>()
* The status of the response.
@ApiMember(Description="The status of the response.", Name="ResponseStatus")
var responseStatus:ResponseStatus? = null
* Represents an ELMA report document.
@Api(Description="Represents an ELMA report document.")
open class Elma
* The unique identifier of this instance. This identifer is only relevant in the context of data storage and retrieval.
@ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of this instance. This identifer is only relevant in the context of data storage and retrieval.", IsRequired=true, Name="Id")
var id:String? = null
* The location of the XML Schema to use for the root namespace.
@ApiMember(Description="The location of the XML Schema to use for the root namespace.", Name="SchemaLocation")
var schemaLocation:String? = null
* The type of reporting process.
@ApiMember(Description="The type of reporting process.", IsRequired=true, Name="Verfahren")
var verfahren:Verfahren? = null
* The communication section of the ELMA report document.
@ApiMember(Description="The communication section of the ELMA report document.", IsRequired=true, Name="ElmaKom")
var elmaKom:ElmaKom? = null
* The communication section of the ELMA report document.
@ApiMember(Description="The communication section of the ELMA report document.", Name="ElmaProtokoll")
var elmaProtokoll:ElmaProtokoll? = null
* The communication section of the ELMA report document.
@ApiMember(Description="The communication section of the ELMA report document.", Name="ElmaFehler")
var elmaFehler:ElmaFehler? = null
* Represents the communication section of an ELMA report document.
@Api(Description="Represents the communication section of an ELMA report document.")
open class ElmaKom
* The version number of the ELMAKOM definition.
@ApiMember(Description="The version number of the ELMAKOM definition.", IsRequired=true, Name="ElmakomVersion")
var elmakomVersion:String? = null
* The header part of the ELMAKOM definition.
@ApiMember(Description="The header part of the ELMAKOM definition.", IsRequired=true, Name="ElmaHeader")
var elmaHeader:ElmaHeader? = null
* The process part of the ELMAKOM definition.
@ApiMember(Description="The process part of the ELMAKOM definition.", IsRequired=true, Name="ElmaVerfahren")
var elmaVerfahren:ElmaVerfahren? = null
* Represents the header of an ELMA communication section.
@Api(Description="Represents the header of an ELMA communication section.")
open class ElmaHeader
* The process-specific report type of an ELMA document.It distinguishes by the type of input.
@ApiMember(Description="The process-specific report type of an ELMA document.It distinguishes by the type of input.", IsRequired=true, Name="DatenArt")
var datenArt:DatenArt? = null
* The BZSt (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) - tax number of the user. 11-character text field that may only consist of two capital letters and 9 digits (0-9). The fiscal authority BZSt provides this number during registration at the BOP (BZSt-Online Portal - The number is available in the private area of the BOP user account under "My BOP" under the "Registration Information"
@ApiMember(Description="The BZSt (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) - tax number of the user. 11-character text field that may only consist of two capital letters and 9 digits (0-9). The fiscal authority BZSt provides this number during registration at the BOP (BZSt-Online Portal - The number is available in the private area of the BOP user account under \"My BOP\" under the \"Registration Information\"", IsRequired=true, Name="AuthSteuernummer")
var authSteuernummer:String? = null
* The account identifier of a BZSt-Online Portal (BOP) user. 10-character text field that may only contain numbers (0-9).
@ApiMember(Description="The account identifier of a BZSt-Online Portal (BOP) user. 10-character text field that may only contain numbers (0-9).", IsRequired=true, Name="AccountId")
var accountId:String? = null
* The time of creation.Corresponds to the time, at which the user created a file.
@ApiMember(Description="The time of creation.Corresponds to the time, at which the user created a file.", Name="ErstellungsDatum")
var erstellungsDatum:Date? = null
* User custom ID.This field can be filled with internal reference information of the user.
@ApiMember(Description="User custom ID.This field can be filled with internal reference information of the user.", Name="KundeneigeneId")
var kundeneigeneId:String? = null
* Data transfer identifier.Hexadecimal formatted number. Example: 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000
@ApiMember(Description="Data transfer identifier.Hexadecimal formatted number. Example: 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000", Name="UUID")
var uuid:UUID? = null
* Distinguishes between test and live data transfer.
@ApiMember(Description="Distinguishes between test and live data transfer.", Name="Verarbeitungslauf")
var verarbeitungslauf:Verarbeitungslauf? = null
enum class DatenArt
enum class Verarbeitungslauf
open class ElmaVerfahren
* The content of process-specific definition.
@ApiMember(Description="The content of process-specific definition.", Name="Inhalt")
var inhalt:Object? = null
* Represents an ELMA protocol report, which the ELMA servers return after a formal verification of a submitted ELMA report.
@Api(Description="Represents an ELMA protocol report, which the ELMA servers return after a formal verification of a submitted ELMA report.")
open class ElmaProtokoll
* File name of the processed input ELMA report.
@ApiMember(Description="File name of the processed input ELMA report.", Name="Dateiname")
var dateiname:String? = null
* The BZSt (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) - tax number of the user. 11-character text field that may only consist of two capital letters and 9 digits (0-9). The fiscal authority BZSt provides this number during registration at the BOP (BZSt-Online Portal - The number is available in the private area of the BOP user account under "My BOP" under the "Registration Information"
@ApiMember(Description="The BZSt (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) - tax number of the user. 11-character text field that may only consist of two capital letters and 9 digits (0-9). The fiscal authority BZSt provides this number during registration at the BOP (BZSt-Online Portal - The number is available in the private area of the BOP user account under \"My BOP\" under the \"Registration Information\"", IsRequired=true, Name="AuthSteuernummer")
var authSteuernummer:String? = null
* The account identifier of a BZSt-Online Portal (BOP) user. 10-character text field that may only contain numbers (0-9).
@ApiMember(Description="The account identifier of a BZSt-Online Portal (BOP) user. 10-character text field that may only contain numbers (0-9).", IsRequired=true, Name="AccountId")
var accountId:String? = null
* Date on which the request was processed by ELAN (ELMA receiving server at BZSt).
@ApiMember(Description="Date on which the request was processed by ELAN (ELMA receiving server at BZSt).", Name="VerarbeitungsDatum")
var verarbeitungsDatum:Date? = null
* Time of processing by ELAN (ELMA receiving server at BZSt).
@ApiMember(Description="Time of processing by ELAN (ELMA receiving server at BZSt).", Name="VerarbeitungsZeit")
var verarbeitungsZeit:Date? = null
* The status code of the ELMA process.
@ApiMember(Description="The status code of the ELMA process.", Name="Status")
var status:Status? = null
* A brief description of the status.
@ApiMember(Description="A brief description of the status.", Name="StatusText")
var statusText:String? = null
* A detailed information on the status.
@ApiMember(Description="A detailed information on the status.", Name="StatusDetail")
var statusDetail:String? = null
* User custom ID.This field can be filled with internal reference information of the user.
@ApiMember(Description="User custom ID.This field can be filled with internal reference information of the user.", Name="KundeneigeneId")
var kundeneigeneId:String? = null
* Data transfer identifier.Hexadecimal formatted number. Example: 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000
@ApiMember(Description="Data transfer identifier.Hexadecimal formatted number. Example: 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000", Name="UUID")
var uuid:UUID? = null
enum class Status(val value:Int)
* Represents an ELMA protocol report, which the ELMA servers return after a formal verification of a submitted ELMA report.
@Api(Description="Represents an ELMA protocol report, which the ELMA servers return after a formal verification of a submitted ELMA report.")
open class ElmaFehler
* File name of the processed input ELMA report.
@ApiMember(Description="File name of the processed input ELMA report.", Name="Dateiname")
var dateiname:String? = null
* The BZSt (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) - tax number of the user. 11-character text field that may only consist of two capital letters and 9 digits (0-9). The fiscal authority BZSt provides this number during registration at the BOP (BZSt-Online Portal - The number is available in the private area of the BOP user account under "My BOP" under the "Registration Information"
@ApiMember(Description="The BZSt (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) - tax number of the user. 11-character text field that may only consist of two capital letters and 9 digits (0-9). The fiscal authority BZSt provides this number during registration at the BOP (BZSt-Online Portal - The number is available in the private area of the BOP user account under \"My BOP\" under the \"Registration Information\"", IsRequired=true, Name="AuthSteuernummer")
var authSteuernummer:String? = null
* The account identifier of a BZSt-Online Portal (BOP) user. 10-character text field that may only contain numbers (0-9).
@ApiMember(Description="The account identifier of a BZSt-Online Portal (BOP) user. 10-character text field that may only contain numbers (0-9).", IsRequired=true, Name="AccountId")
var accountId:String? = null
* Date on which the request was processed by ELAN (ELMA receiving server at BZSt).
@ApiMember(Description="Date on which the request was processed by ELAN (ELMA receiving server at BZSt).", Name="VerarbeitungsDatum")
var verarbeitungsDatum:Date? = null
* Time of processing by ELAN (ELMA receiving server at BZSt).
@ApiMember(Description="Time of processing by ELAN (ELMA receiving server at BZSt).", Name="VerarbeitungsZeit")
var verarbeitungsZeit:Date? = null
* The status code of the ELMA process.
@ApiMember(Description="The status code of the ELMA process.", Name="FehlerID")
var fehlerID:Status? = null
* A brief description of the error status.
@ApiMember(Description="A brief description of the error status.", Name="FehlerText")
var fehlerText:String? = null
* A detailed information on the status.
@ApiMember(Description="A detailed information on the status.", Name="FehlerProzess")
var fehlerProzess:String? = null
* User custom ID.This field can be filled with internal reference information of the user.
@ApiMember(Description="User custom ID.This field can be filled with internal reference information of the user.", Name="KundeneigeneId")
var kundeneigeneId:String? = null
* Data transfer identifier.Hexadecimal formatted number. Example: 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000
@ApiMember(Description="Data transfer identifier.Hexadecimal formatted number. Example: 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000", Name="UUID")
var uuid:UUID? = null
* Represents a generic file that contains raw data content in bytes
@Api(Description="Represents a generic file that contains raw data content in bytes")
open class BinaryFile : FileBase()
* The attributes of the file.
@ApiMember(Description="The attributes of the file.")
var metadata:FileMetadata? = null
* The name of the file without information on its directory path.
@ApiMember(Description="The name of the file without information on its directory path.")
var name:String? = null
* The raw data content of the file in bytes.
@ApiMember(Description="The raw data content of the file in bytes.", Name="Content")
var content:ByteArray? = null
* Represents a base class for a file with raw data.
@Api(Description="Represents a base class for a file with raw data.")
open class FileBase
* The raw data content of the file in bytes.
@ApiMember(Description="The raw data content of the file in bytes.", Name="Content")
var content:ByteArray? = null
* Represents information about a file or directory.
@Api(Description="Represents information about a file or directory.")
open class FileMetadata : IFileMetadata
* The name of the file.For files, gets the name of the file.For directories, gets the name of the last directory in the hierarchy if a hierarchy exists; otherwise, the name of the directory.
@ApiMember(Description="The name of the file.\nFor files, gets the name of the file.\nFor directories, gets the name of the last directory in the hierarchy if a hierarchy exists; otherwise, the name of the directory.")
var name:String? = null
* The full path of the directory or file.
@ApiMember(Description="The full path of the directory or file.")
var fullName:String? = null
* The time the current file or directory was last accessed.
@ApiMember(Description="The time the current file or directory was last accessed.")
var lastAccessTime:Date? = null
* The name of the file.
@ApiMember(Description="The name of the file.")
var lastAccessTimeUtc:Date? = null
* The time when the current file or directory was last written to.
@ApiMember(Description="The time when the current file or directory was last written to.")
var lastWriteTime:Date? = null
* The time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), when the current file or directory was last written to.
@ApiMember(Description="The time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), when the current file or directory was last written to.")
var lastWriteTimeUtc:Date? = null
* The size, in bytes, of the current file.
@ApiMember(Description="The size, in bytes, of the current file.")
var length:Long? = null
* The size, in bytes, of the current file.
@ApiMember(Description="The size, in bytes, of the current file.")
var userId:Int? = null
* The file group id.
@ApiMember(Description="The file group id.")
var groupId:Int? = null
* A value that indicates whether the others can read from this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the others can read from this file.")
var othersCanRead:Boolean? = null
* A value that indicates whether the group members can execute this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the group members can execute this file.")
var groupCanExecute:Boolean? = null
* A value that indicates whether the group members can write into this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the group members can write into this file.")
var groupCanWrite:Boolean? = null
* A value that indicates whether the group members can read from this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the group members can read from this file.")
var groupCanRead:Boolean? = null
* A value that indicates whether the owner can execute this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the owner can execute this file.")
var ownerCanExecute:Boolean? = null
* A value that indicates whether the owner can write into this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the owner can write into this file.")
var ownerCanWrite:Boolean? = null
* A value that indicates whether the owner can read from this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether the owner can read from this file.")
var ownerCanRead:Boolean? = null
* A value that indicates whether others can read from this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether others can read from this file.")
var othersCanExecute:Boolean? = null
* A value that indicates whether others can write into this file.
@ApiMember(Description="A value that indicates whether others can write into this file.")
var othersCanWrite:Boolean? = null
* Extensions to the file attributes.
@ApiMember(Description="Extensions to the file attributes.")
var extensions:HashMap<String,String> = HashMap<String,String>()
Kotlin BatchDeleteProtocolsAsync DTOs
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /async/elma/protocols/batch/delete HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length
<BatchDeleteProtocolsAsync xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<Credential xmlns:d2p1="">
<d2p1:Certificate xmlns:d3p1="">
<d3p1:Tags xmlns:d4p1="">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: length <DeletionResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Files xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:BinaryFile> <Content xmlns="">AA==</Content> <d2p1:Metadata> <d2p1:Extensions xmlns:d5p1=""> <d5p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d5p1:Key>String</d5p1:Key> <d5p1:Value>String</d5p1:Value> </d5p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </d2p1:Extensions> <d2p1:FullName>String</d2p1:FullName> <d2p1:GroupCanExecute>false</d2p1:GroupCanExecute> <d2p1:GroupCanRead>false</d2p1:GroupCanRead> <d2p1:GroupCanWrite>false</d2p1:GroupCanWrite> <d2p1:GroupId>0</d2p1:GroupId> <d2p1:LastAccessTime>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:LastAccessTime> <d2p1:LastAccessTimeUtc>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:LastAccessTimeUtc> <d2p1:LastWriteTime>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:LastWriteTime> <d2p1:LastWriteTimeUtc>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:LastWriteTimeUtc> <d2p1:Length>0</d2p1:Length> <d2p1:Name>String</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:OthersCanExecute>false</d2p1:OthersCanExecute> <d2p1:OthersCanRead>false</d2p1:OthersCanRead> <d2p1:OthersCanWrite>false</d2p1:OthersCanWrite> <d2p1:OwnerCanExecute>false</d2p1:OwnerCanExecute> <d2p1:OwnerCanRead>false</d2p1:OwnerCanRead> <d2p1:OwnerCanWrite>false</d2p1:OwnerCanWrite> <d2p1:UserId>0</d2p1:UserId> </d2p1:Metadata> <d2p1:Name>String</d2p1:Name> </d2p1:BinaryFile> </Files> <Protocols xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:Elma xmlns:n1=""> <n1:ELMAKOM ELMAKOMVersion="String"> <n1:ELMAHeader> <n1:DatenArt>ELMA_CC</n1:DatenArt> <n1:AuthSteuernummer>String</n1:AuthSteuernummer> <n1:AccountID>String</n1:AccountID> <n1:ErstellungsDatum>0001-01-01T00:00:00.000</n1:ErstellungsDatum> <n1:KundeneigeneID>String</n1:KundeneigeneID> <n1:UUID>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</n1:UUID> <n1:Verarbeitungslauf>PRODUKTIONSLAUF</n1:Verarbeitungslauf> </n1:ELMAHeader> <n1:ELMAVerfahren /> </n1:ELMAKOM> <n1:ELMAProtokoll> <n1:Dateiname>String</n1:Dateiname> <n1:AuthSteuernummer>String</n1:AuthSteuernummer> <n1:AccountID>String</n1:AccountID> <n1:VerarbeitungsDatum>0001-01-01</n1:VerarbeitungsDatum> <n1:VerarbeitungsZeit>0001-01-01</n1:VerarbeitungsZeit> <n1:Status>ELMA_GLOBAL_UNBEKANNT</n1:Status> <n1:StatusText>String</n1:StatusText> <n1:StatusDetail>String</n1:StatusDetail> <n1:KundeneigeneID>String</n1:KundeneigeneID> <n1:UUID>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</n1:UUID> </n1:ELMAProtokoll> <n1:ELMAFEHLER> <n1:Dateiname>String</n1:Dateiname> <n1:AuthSteuernummer>String</n1:AuthSteuernummer> <n1:AccountID>String</n1:AccountID> <n1:VerarbeitungsDatum>0001-01-01</n1:VerarbeitungsDatum> <n1:VerarbeitungsZeit>00:00:00.000</n1:VerarbeitungsZeit> <n1:FehlerID>ELMA_GLOBAL_UNBEKANNT</n1:FehlerID> <n1:FehlerText>String</n1:FehlerText> <n1:FehlerProzess>String</n1:FehlerProzess> <n1:KundeneigeneID>String</n1:KundeneigeneID> <n1:UUID>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</n1:UUID> </n1:ELMAFEHLER> </d2p1:Elma> </Protocols> <ResponseStatus xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:ErrorCode>String</d2p1:ErrorCode> <d2p1:Message>String</d2p1:Message> <d2p1:StackTrace>String</d2p1:StackTrace> <d2p1:Errors> <d2p1:ResponseError> <d2p1:ErrorCode>String</d2p1:ErrorCode> <d2p1:FieldName>String</d2p1:FieldName> <d2p1:Message>String</d2p1:Message> <d2p1:Meta xmlns:d5p1=""> <d5p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d5p1:Key>String</d5p1:Key> <d5p1:Value>String</d5p1:Value> </d5p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </d2p1:Meta> </d2p1:ResponseError> </d2p1:Errors> <d2p1:Meta xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d3p1:Key>String</d3p1:Key> <d3p1:Value>String</d3p1:Value> </d3p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </d2p1:Meta> </ResponseStatus> </DeletionResponse>